Latest Episodes

August 22, 2022
Episode 6: Cats Are Great Companions
Mary Anne continues the conversation with Diane, Stuart's wife, about their Sphinx cats. As a lifelong cat owner, Diane shares the companionship she has...

August 22, 2022
Episode 5: Unconditional Love for Unusual Breeds
Generally, people just know whether they're a dog person or a cat person. But determining what breed of animal to adopt is another story....

August 22, 2022
Episode 4: The Bond between Pets and their Owners
Mary Ann Sheehan sits with her neighbor, Ben, to discuss how his newly adopted dog has transformed his life. Hank, Ben's dog, was adopted...

August 22, 2022
Episode 3: Respite at Avant-Garde Rescue Sanctuaries
Mary Anne Sheehan returns to the beginning of her journey to the cat rescue sanctuary where she first saw Ginger. She chats with Tammy...

August 22, 2022
Episode 2: Pet Care Advice from a Veterinary
Super Kitty, a self-published book by Mary Anne Sheehan, tells the story of adopting a rescue cat, Ginger (aka Super Kitty). On this episode,...

August 22, 2022
Episode 1: Services Beyond Adoption at your Local Humane Society
Mary Anne Sheehan, the author of Super Kitty, discusses the impact of education programs and adoption services at local humane societies with her guest,...